You can now read two of the Visible Learning books in Spanish. Paraninfo has published “Visible Learning for teachers” and “Visible Learning and the science of how we learn” by Hattie & Yates in Spanish. Follow the links to order…
The Arabic Edition of John Hattie’s book “Visible Learning for Teachers” has been published in 2017. The Arabic title of the book is: التعلم المرئي للمعلمين. The transliteration of John Hattie’s name is: جون هاتي. You can order the book on Amazon or find it in a…
Recently, John Hattie’s two books Visible Learning and Visible Learning for Teachers have been translated into Chinese. PENG Zhengmei and DENG Li have prepared the Chinese Edition of Visible Learning. JIN Yinglian, HONG Chao and PEI Xinning have translated Visible Learning for Teachers into Chinese. You…