Visible Learning World Conference 2019

visible-learning-world-conference-agenda-programme-2019-edinburghOsiris Education will be hosting the Visible Learning World Conference in Edinburgh (UK) this year. The organizers have put together an impressive agenda with international experts on Visible Learning. If you are interested in first-hand insights from John Hattie and his colleagues about “what works best” – and about how to actually make it work in practice – you should definitely consider attending the conference. The 2019 World Conference is structured around the theme “Advanced Learning” and John Hattie’s 10 Mindframes. Have a look at the agenda, you can download it here (PDF). For further information, tickets and an updated list of speakers, please visit the conference website

Venue: Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Date: 12th – 13th March 2019
Tickets: Book your tickets

Topics & Speakers

Advanced Learning

Professor John Hattie: Advanced learning
Shirley Clarke: Formative feedback
Professor Viviane Robinson: Reduce change to increase improvement
Dr Robert Marzano: Using classroom assessments as a vehicle for school effectiveness
Professor Michael Fullan: Leading with coherence: a framework for success

Advanced Visible Learning

Professor John Hattie: Scalability: how to achieve more with less
Dr Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey: Assessment-capable learners
Wendy Delf: Evaluating our impact
Kathryn Cunich: Data for impact

Collective Learning

Peter DeWitt: School climate: leading with collective efficacy
Professor John Almarode: How we learn the latest research
Dr Taryn Moir: Implementation science: how to make changes work
Martin Morgan: Feedback that makes learning visible

Leader Learning

Professor Michael Fullan: Why some leaders succeed and others fail
Peter DeWitt: Collaborative leadership
Jenni Donohoo: Collective efficacy: Six enabling conditions
Professor Viviane Robinson: Student-centred leadership
Dr Ray Smith: Building collaborative expertise: critical conversations about impact
Rob Powell: Learning by questions: the power of live feedback
Ainsley Rose: Developing assessment-capable Visible Learners
Dr Mary Little: New ways to support new teachers
Professor John Almarode: Three steps to deeper learning
Martin Morgan: Clarity in the classroom

Learning Advancement Case Studies

Sarah Philp: Visible Learning in Scotland: joining the dots
Louise Moir: VL as a vehicle for cluster collaboration
Marcel Boggarts: Implementing VL from district to school
Gavin Sinnott: Implementing VL at school level
Dr Marjolein Meinen: VL in an SEN school

Cutting-edge Developments

Steve Ingle: Academic resilience
Jill Harland: Using coaching to develop the VL strands
Professor Janet Clinton: How to make teaching visible
Mark Burns: Developing effective learning for teachers
Dominique Smith: Teacher credibility through relationships
Ali Abbas: Mental resilience in staff and students
Laura Kearney: Developing metacognition

Maths and Literacy Focus

Dr Sarah McGowan: Improving reading
Dr Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey: Visible Learning for literacy

Special Features

Hattie and Clarke: Feedback: what we now know works
Hattie and Robinson: How to make ‘what works’ work in practice
Fullan, Hattie and Clarke: Proven ways to advance learning

Posted in Visible Learning
One comment on “Visible Learning World Conference 2019
  1. Susan Begin says:

    I would like to receive an email on future visible learning world conferences. I teach in California and became familiar to your website after attending a workshop.

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About Visible Learning
Visible Learning means an enhanced role for teachers as they become evaluators of their own teaching. Visible Teaching and Learning occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and help them become their own teachers.

Visible Learning plus is a professional development programme for teachers. It provides an in-depth review and change model for schools based on John Hattie's research. With a seminar and support series the Visible Learning plus team helps schools to find out about the impact they are having on student achievement.