Professor John Hattie

Professor John Hattie is a researcher in education. His research interests include performance indicators, models of measurement and evaluation of teaching and learning. John Hattie became known to a wider public with his two books Visible Learning and Visible Learning for teachers. Visible Learning is a synthesis of more than 800 meta-studies covering more than 80 million students.  According to John Hattie Visible Learning is the result of 15 years of research about what works best for learning in schools. TES once called him “possibly the world’s most influential education academic”.

John Hattie has been Director of the Melbourne Educational Research Institute at the University of Melbourne, Australia, since March 2011. Before, he was Project Director of asTTle and Professor of Education at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He holds a PhD from the University of Toronto, Canada. You can find a full CV of Professor John Hattie (PDF) at the website of the University of Auckland.

John Hattie’s research in context

John Hattie’s research got a lot of attention from the media linked to the publication of his Visible Learning meta-study. The problem was that many individual aspects of his research were taken and used as a kind of checklist that could magically improve schools. It won’t work like that. John Hattie’s TED talk “Why are so many of our teachers and schools so successful” can be a good starting point to putting it all in context.

You can find a lot more information about John Hattie and his research here on our website. For a deeper insight into Visible Learning you should definitely read the books!


21 comments on “Professor John Hattie
  1. Your work is so real and lacking in B.S.
    As an educator proud to practising when our system was recognised as one of the best in the world and having witnessed its unfortunate demise, I find th work of you and your colleagues extremely inspiring.
    And it gives me hope for the future of education in Australia.

  2. Mohammad Rashid Magsi says:

    Honorable Sir

    With profound regards we humbly request you that We are a voluntary organization which sets up work in Indus Valley Sindh, the southern part of Pakistan our project is to help and facilitate a libraries program in Sindh, with the name of “Mother of Civilization Library” We therefore anxious in collecting resource materials including any books Honorable Professor John Hattie an internationally a well-known a researcher in Education and author.

    Here is a large part of schools, colleges and university aged population in Sindh towns and countryside, who love to read and know more about his work, “Visible Learning for Teachers, Visible Learning, Visible Learning and the Science of We Learn, Self Concept, Intelligence and Intelligence Testing, , and other books & DVDs”, as we are unable to purchase books due to lack of resources and fundamental facilities of libraries.
    Your donations of books can do much to stimulate and encourage the growth of learning, especially among the young generation of Sindh about it. Therefore we appeal your great institution to make a little contribution of above books on compassionate and humanitarian ground; the result would be the placement of new or used books (or equivalent educational materials) into the library for needy and destitute Students.
    Hope you will consider our humble supplication with the glance of appreciation and make small numbers of books donation for this libraries program. In case, you wish to know more about our libraries program and various facets associated with it. Please free to contact our office on all the days.
    Thanking you
    Yours Sincerely
    Rashid Anees Magsi
    Project Manager
    Library Postal Address
    Name Mother of Civilization Library
    Street Sobho Khan Magsi
    City Radhan Station Dadu
    Province Sindh
    Postal Code 76310
    Country Pakistan
    Phone 00923003609982

  3. Hannah Paik says:

    Your research on “5 Big Ideas In Education That Don’t Work” mentioned that money spent on students do not seem to make a difference in student performance. You used the example of how Korea spends $60,000/student whereas the U.S. spends $105,000/student from first grade to high school graduation. In Korea, the difference of $45,000 and more is made up by parents who send their children to private tutors, after school academy, and enrichment classes. Money talks and makes a huge difference in student achievement.

    This kind of one sided research that compares the inside of the U.S. education system with outside of Asian countries is at best, quite misleading and displays lack of understanding of the educational realities in Asian countries such as Korea. Asian students perform highly because they are driven by their parents, not by the public education system. Asian parents invest heavily into their children’s education. In China, 6 adults (mother, father and 2 sets of grandparents) are all investing financially in 1 child. (this is one of the effects of China’s one child policy)( In particular, please note that many Chinese families are spending more than the average annual disposable income on their child’s education.

    Yes, money makes all the difference in education. Your calculation of $40,000/student is sufficient for a decent education that can put American students out in the front of the world competition is not at all supported by the available data.

    As a Korean immigrant who came to the U.S. at the age of 18 with a full experience of how Korean education works and as a teacher in the U.S. who works in a Title 1 school, where 95% of the students get free to reduced lunch I see the impact of poverty and what it does to students performance every day.

    Common sense tell us that the Law of Diminishing Return applies to all things, and it probably applies to education, but I do not think you can use the Asian model to suggest that we are quite there, yet, here in the United States.

  4. concernedreadingspecialist says:

    I attended an in-service on equity in pupil service delivery based on modules from a website. They quoted Hattie as saying that flexible grouping was ineffective. My impression from reading Visible Literacy was that flexible small grouping was an effective strategy. District leaders want to prohibit all non-heterogeneous grouping in instruction. Thoughts?

  5. I keep getting asked by my students as to why epistemology is not included as a topic for study in the New Zealand and Australian education curriculums. I know it comes under ‘the theory of learning’ in the European Baccalaureate system, but wonder at the reasons it was dropped in Australasia in the early days of curriculum formation. Can anyone help me with the historicity of this bizarre phenomena, or who to turn to who might be able to help. It’s no wonder the average modern day graduate can’t even distinguish relative truth from absolute, or personal taste from universal principle is it?

  6. Tamara says:

    Dear Professor Hattie,
    I teach in a K-2 building and we are grappling with how to implement the changing of all of our Learning Targets daily to meet the expectation of our teacher evaluation (5D+) to do so. I am curious. In your research did you find as strong of a link between effectiveness and the daily changing of Learning Targets in the youngest classrooms as, say, you did in the upper grades such as high school? Thank you.

  7. Scott Hunter says:

    Have you looked at the effect size of Lesson Planning and of Standards Alignment work?

  8. Rachel Treadaway-Williams says:

    @john_hattie Hi there, can I ask, with regards to ability grouping having a negative effect size, in particular with regards to high attaining students, is the evidence for this based solely on studies of ‘single school year’ classes?

  9. Dear all,
    Since 2006 we organize bianually a Congress on Neuroscience and Education in Brazil. I would like to get contact with Professor John Hatie in order to invite him and have information about his fee and availability for this event that will be held in August 24th and 25th of 2018.
    Sincerely yours,
    Marco A. Arruda, MD, PhD

  10. Matthew Spicer says:

    Dear Visible Learning
    I am studying a TEFL qualification – Teaching English as a Foreign Language. I am 48 and after a career in international trade and now exploring a move into teaching / development. I am English and living in Istanbul, Turkey. I am finding everything I am learning both fascinating and appropriate – I am keen to start my practical teaching correctly so would like to meet other teachers who follow the principles of teachers. Does you organisation have any followers in Istanbul ?

  11. Alison says:

    Professor Hattie-
    I realize this is a long shot, but all I can do is try! I’m interested in your thoughts on the use of a PLC model at the regional level. Would your research support the power of using the collaborative professional learning community on a wider scale, not just school level?

    I work for a regional education cooperative where we provide professional learning opportunities to educators in northern Kentucky in the United States. One of the pillars of our work has been to develop the space for regional educators to connect and grow, specifically to teachers who often do not have available, at the school level, others like themselves. (For example teachers of Arts and Humanities, School Counselors, and Library Media Specialists.)

    Do you know if this regional model has been used in other places? Thank you so much for your consideration and your impeccable work towards increasing our impact on student success.

  12. M. O. Buzz Williams says:

    Sharing your thoughts on what works(?) promotes self evaluation. It is quite helpful for me to determine at the outset what do my students already know. That gives me a starting point which acts as a springboard into what they do not know. During any semester it is always helpful for students to determine if they made errors because it is a chance for them to rethink, understand and make corrections. All of your comments take me back to our professional learning committees and what we teachers learn from each other. Thanks for all you do for us.

  13. Mihir Velani says:

    Dear Professor,

    I am conducting a study of engineering students with the John Hattie’s effect size. In the calculation of effect size, what is the simple meaning of postassessment score and preassessment score?

    Hope to read you very soon.

    Mihir Velani

  14. Kelly says:

    I am looking for research on effect size for two things.
    Flexible Seating
    Classroom Libraries
    Is there someone who has analyzed effect size of these and can suggest if either or both are worth spending the money?

  15. Beth Clavenna-Deane says:

    In 2012, Visible Learning ranked student-centered practices as an effect size of .53 on the ranking chart (Hattie, 2012). In Chapter 9, page 157, Hattie references Cornelius Wright (2007) as producing a .61 effect size of the relationship between person-centered practices and cognitive student domains and a .71 effect size for the relationship between person-centered practices and affective student domains.

    I have two questions: 1- why did the chart state a different effect size than the referenced study, especially since the long chart in the book stating all of the studies analyzed does not show any other studies analyzed. 2 – Why did the effect size ranking in 2018 change to .35?

  16. Mohammad Rashid Magsi says:

    Honorable Sir

    With profound regards we humbly request you that We are a voluntary organization which sets up work in Indus Valley Sindh, the southern part of Pakistan our project is to help and facilitate a libraries program in Sindh, with the name of “Mother of Civilization Library” We therefore anxious in collecting resource materials including any books of Professor John Hattie an internationally a well-known an education researcher and author.
    Here is a large part of schools, colleges and university aged population in Sindh towns and countryside, who love to read and know more about his work, “Visible Learning, Visible Learning for Teacher, Visible Learning for Literacy, 10 Mainframes for Visible Learning, Intelligence and Intelligence Testing and other books & Lectures DVDs”, as we are unable to purchase books due to lack of resources and fundamental facilities of libraries.
    Your donations of books can do much to stimulate and encourage the growth of learning, especially among the young generation of Sindh about it. Therefore we appeal your great institution to make a little contribution of above books on compassionate and humanitarian ground; the result would be the placement of new or used books (or equivalent educational materials) into the library for needy and destitute Students.
    Hope you will consider our humble supplication with the glance of appreciation and make small numbers of books donation for this libraries program. In case, you wish to know more about our libraries program and various facets associated with it. Please free to contact our office on all the days.
    Thanking you
    Yours Sincerely
    Rashid Anees Magsi
    Project Manager
    Library Postal Address
    Name Mother of Civilization Library
    Street Sobho Khan Magsi
    City Radhan Station Dadu
    Province Sindh
    Postal Code 76310
    Country Pakistan
    Phone 00923003609982

  17. simon says:

    Thanks for the great article, is very helpful

  18. Emily-Jane Cobbold says:

    I am a master of teaching student in Australia who was in a PhD in another area where I discovered a knack for data, observing patterns ans statistical methods. I am trying to contact Dr Hattie about using some of his data. I am interested in using a multivariate technique to identify the most effective combinations of his factors that impact performance. from my readings of many of the source studies what is missed but visible in the data is that combinations of specific factors are more powerful and also of more practical application than isolated techniques. For example, merely selecting the five greatest effect sizes in a classroom is not a statistically proven approach. In various descriptions of highly effective teachers as judged by improved student performance – none use the same approaches/techniques. Which suggests exploring combinations of every factor effect sizes have been published for on this site is a good avenue for cracking a supportable highly efficacious approach

  19. Pete Gabriella says:

    Hello Mr. Hattie,

    I would like to ask if there is a remote possibility that some of your works be translated into Hungarian?

    Thank You for all your work!

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  2. […] learning effects their brains in order to help them develop a growth mindset and thus learn better. John Hattie states that pupils need to be ‘assessment capable learners’ able to answer […]

  3. […] Formative Assessment is so Important. According to Hattie (2009), who did a meta-analysis of hundreds of studies, formative assessment is in the Top 10 of […]

  4. […] que John Hattie, investigador de la Universidad de Auckland y su equipo,  desgranaron en su libro “Visible learnings for teachers”, las acciones que más impactan en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes .Muchas de ellas tienen que […]

  5. […] Read more about John Hattie and his work with Visible Learning. […]

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  7. […] After a meeting with teachers who support students with special needs, I drafted the following principles about differentiation based on the work of Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson, Dr. Lynn Erickson, Dr. Susan Brookhart and Dr. John Hattie. […]

  8. […] of my favorite researchers, and a real teacher advocate is John Hattie. His research is understandable even for those who don’t like reading research. That said he […]

  9. […] good” place in teachers’ dreams and imaginations. Research provides evidence that it is true. Professor John Hattie, a researcher in education, undertook a very ambitious project, synthesising data from over 800 […]

  10. […] famoso Ranking of Effect Sizes del Profesor John Hattie evalúa el impacto de 138 elementos en los resultados del aprendizaje. Como se aprecia en la imagen […]

  11. […] countries where students excel, teachers develop what John Hattie calls “collaborative expertise.” They have ongoing, school embedded, high level opportunities […]

  12. […] school has been using a helpful book called Visible Learning by John Hattie as part of our Data Teams Process. I’m part of an intervention team that meets a few times […]

  13. […] maciça a respeito das evidências sobre o que funciona em sala de aula, realizada em 2009 pelo pesquisador John Hattie, demonstra a superioridade de formas organizadas de ensino direto, em contraposição a formas que […]

  14. […] maciça a respeito das evidências sobre o que funciona em sala de aula, realizada em 2009 pelo pesquisador John Hattie, demonstra a superioridade de formas organizadas de ensino direto, em contraposição a formas que […]

  15. […] John Hattie has published research around instruction. And he has found DI has a .59 effect size and the hinge point, with the research that he’s done, is .40. Researchers raise their eyebrows anytime they see anything with a .40 effect size or higher. And it’s amazing to think about, because many educators do not receive this information in professional development trainings. One resource I recommend is Visible Learning, for learning about teacher effectiveness and discovering new things you can do with your students, with regard to the classroom. […]

  16. […] to re-examine successful strategies, specifically those outlined by Robert J. Marzano and John Hattie, through the lens of technology. In other words, we must re-define what these strategies look like […]

  17. […] to Professor John Hattie’s meta-analysis of 1276 studies, feedback is in the top ten factors that positively affect student learning. […]

  18. […] in education that is always seen as a ‘Good Thing’. (An excellent paper on feedback by John Hattie can be found here.) But providing feedback also has its dangers. To explain, I need to divert. A […]

  19. […] this final piece on strategy transfer, I want to share a few ideas about what John Hattie says is “one of the top 10 influences on achievement”. With an effect-size of .79, feedback has […]

  20. […] Professor John Hattie is a highly respected researcher in education, who has been described as “possibly the world’s most influential education academic” by the Times Educational Supplement. He has spent years studying what influences learning, analysing studies from around the world, covering 80 million students.  His Visible Learning approach, which encourages teachers to use the approaches that actually make a difference, has been adopted by schools around the world and many here in Scotland. […]

  21. […] It’s not. There have been thousands of studies looking at every sort of education policy. John Hattie is an educational researcher in Australia who took the time to collect data from thousands of […]

  22. […] is really just explaining 16% of the behavior of the two dimensions. So when we look at the work of Hattie how impactful are these numbers really? I am not suggesting that he is all wrong, but what is the […]

  23. […] Things I think you should read… The Power of Documentation Assessment Techniques and Tools for Documentation Visible Learning […]

  24. […] John Hattie’s Visual Learning Website […]

  25. […] John Hattie, author of Visible Learning for Teachers says “Teachers who do not acknowledge the importance of peer feedback can be most handicapped in their effects on students. Interventions that aim at fostering correct peer feedback are needed”. As Tammie explains, “Students receive more feedback from their peers than anyone else each day. If they are explicitly taught how to give and receive process-related feedback correctly, this can have a high impact on their learning.” In a study that Tammie conducted together with Trevor Ragan, from Train Ugly, it was revealed that 50% of the feedback respondents received came directly from their peers, further highlighting its necessity within the context of learning. […]

  26. […] Follow this link to learn about John Hattie  and his research: […]

  27. […] a John Hattie, investigador y profesor de la Universidad de Melbourne (Australia). Más de 15 años ha dedicado […]

  28. […] are the top 10 instructional strategies from John Hattie's extensive meta-analysis […]

  29. […] small scale experiments testing the same ideas; meta-analysis. Most famously this was done by John Hattie in his 2008 book Visible Learning who combined meta-analyses within broad teaching ideas like […]

  30. […] John Hattie, a renowned researcher in the field of education conducted a study in which he put forward his findings on those parameters that make the most dramatic impact on the learning of students. Read it HERE. […]

  31. […] what should we work on? Often, I turn to the work of John Hattie, who I work with as a Visible Learning trainer. Hattie conducted perhaps the largest meta-analysis […]

  32. […] do I learn? Have you considered this question? When John Hattie presented this question at the Osiris Education Teaching and Learning  2017 a room full of T&L […]

  33. […] on average, rank just below the typical mark or hinge point in their impact on student achievement. John Hattie uses a common scale, the effect size, to rank the practices in education. In his extensive […]

  34. […] shift in my thinking came about the same year John Hattie published his first book in 2009 called Visible Learning. He synthesized over 50,000 studies […]

  35. […] waarop de zeer bekende Nieuw-Zeelandse prof. John Hattie in zijn magnum opus, de meta-meta-analyse “Visible Learning – A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement”… (VL), pseudowetenschap zou bedrijven, boeide mij weer […]

  36. […] I’m not going to reveal all the secrets I’ve learnt – but we discussed Test-Teach-Test approach, an amazing activity-planner idea by Ewa Torebko (I’m going to share it soon, because this particular idea deserves a separate note, it’s sooo awesome), von Restorff effect and John Hattie’s ideas. […]

  37. […] Visible Learning means an enhanced role for teachers as they become evaluators of their own teaching. Visible Teaching and Learning occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and help them become their own teachers.   […]

  38. […] would make a final and rather important update to Resolutions for (Mathematics) Teachers. Reading John Hattie’s Visible Learning for Teachers is such an important reminder that we should really be looking at the […]

  39. […] work of John Hattie has also been very influential, whose thesis of Visible Learning states “when teaching and […]

  40. […] on average, rank just below the typical mark or hinge point in their impact on student achievement. John Hattie uses a common scale, the effect size, to rank the practices in education. In his extensive […]

  41. […] learning” is a ground-breaking concept coined by education researcher John Hattie. It establishes that learning must be seen and obvious, not assumed. Frey and Fisher explain it […]

  42. […] University of Melbourne’s Professor John Hattie is an education expert whose areas of interest include the measurement and evaluation of teaching […]

  43. […] University of Melbourne’s Professor John Hattie is an education expert whose areas of interest include the measurement and evaluation of teaching […]

  44. […] shift in my thinking came about the same year John Hattie published his first book in 2009 called Visible Learning. He synthesized over 50,000 studies […]

  45. […] have found two Google Add On tools to help provide more specific and effective feedback. As John Hattie states, “To make sure that feedback is effective, teachers must know where their students are […]

  46. […] For a link to John Hatties work, please click here […]

  47. […] is messy, but it’s a useful mess. We know it’s useful, because our friend Hattie reminds us that dialogue is one of the best forms of education. Not sure it’s been studied, […]

  48. […] Visible learning. Digital learning and leading BlackBoard reference EDLD 5316. Retrieved from Original link […]

  49. […] their allies. The importance of this relationship was borne out in the ground-breaking research of Professor John Hattie. He found that the relationship between a student and their teacher was incredibly important. It […]

  50. […] John Hattie är forskare i undervisningsvetenskap. Läs mer på hans hemsida Visible Learning. […]

  51. […] de leraar, hoé kan ik mijn leerlingen effectief kennis en vaardigheden aanleren?  Het werk van John Hattie, in zijn Visible Learning serie boeken, heeft laten zien dat formatieve evaluatie hiervoor een zeer […]

  52. […] a growing consensus that direct instruction has a more immediate impact on learning. For instance, John Hattie found that the average effect size for strategies where the teacher acted as an “activator”, […]

  53. […] and particularly formative feedback, is extremely strong, and comes from several sources, be that John Hattie’s meta-analysis, the EEF toolkit, Daisy Christodoulou, or Dylan Wiliam.  However, the devil lies in […]

  54. […] a growing consensus that direct instruction has a more immediate impact on learning. For instance, John Hattie found that the average effect size for strategies where the teacher acted as an “activator”, […]

  55. […] more than 15 years New Zealander John Hattie has also done a great job, via his Visible Learning project, to collate research about what works […]

  56. […] One good pace to start by reading about the research, labelled by Hattie as Visible Learning is on this link. […]

  57. […] of my favorite feedback experts is John Hattie. Hattie is a lead researcher and author in education. One of his most famous books, Visible […]

  58. […] Professor John Hattie is held inwards high esteem every bit an pedagogy researcher as well as was called “possibly the world’s most influential pedagogy academic” past times the Times Educational Supplement inwards 2012. He rose to international prominence amongst the publication of his 2 books Visible Learning (2008) as well as Visible Learning for Teachers (2011). Since March 2011, Professor Hattie has been Director of the Melbourne Educational Research Institute at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Professor Hattie is also the Chair of the Australian Institute for Teaching as well as School Leadership (AITSL). Communications Manager Cassandra Davis asked him almost his query of what industrial plant best for learning inwards schools. […]

  59. […] the technology that will enhance it. Pick what works. “Know thy impact” is a quote from  John Hattie. The idea is to know what methods provide the best outcomes for student learning. When you develop […]

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About Visible Learning
Visible Learning means an enhanced role for teachers as they become evaluators of their own teaching. Visible Teaching and Learning occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and help them become their own teachers.

Visible Learning plus is a professional development programme for teachers. It provides an in-depth review and change model for schools based on John Hattie's research. With a seminar and support series the Visible Learning plus team helps schools to find out about the impact they are having on student achievement.