A German language edition of Visible Learning – ‘Lernen sichtbar machen’ was published by Schneider Verlag in May 2013. Prof Klaus Zierer from Germany and Prof Wolfgang Beywl from switzerland prepared the German translation.
John Hattie and the German translators have jointly presented the updated German edition of “Visible Learning” at Oldenburg University in April 2013.
You can get the book on Amazon.de
The german version of Visible Learning I exspect in May 2013.
But I’m a teachter and so I’m waiting like a dry sponge we say in Germany also for a german version of Visible Learning for Teachers.
Is there a chance or do you know a date of publishing?
Thanks for you answer
Dear M. Quel,
A German language edition of John Hattie’s Visible Learning for Teachers – ‘Lernen sichtbar machen für Lehrpersonen’ will be published by Schneider Verlag in January 2014.
Beste Grüße!