Blog Archives

Visible Learning in Spanish: Aprendizaje visible


You can now read two of the Visible Learning books in Spanish. Paraninfo has published “Visible Learning for teachers” and “Visible Learning and the science of how we learn” by Hattie & Yates in Spanish. Follow the links to order

Posted in Books, Books in other languages, Visible Learning

Visible Learning World Conference 2019


Osiris Education will be hosting the Visible Learning World Conference in Edinburgh (UK) this year. The organizers have put together an impressive agenda with international experts on Visible Learning. If you are interested in first-hand insights from John Hattie and

Posted in Visible Learning

Visible Learning: Feedback – New Book by John Hattie & Shirley Clarke

Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement – if you get it right.  In the new book “Visible Learning Feedback” John Hattie and Shirley Clarke dive deeper into this core message of the Visible Learning

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Posted in Allgemein, Books, Books in English, Visible Learning

Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) according to John Hattie


Collective Teacher Efficacy is the collective belief of teachers in their ability to positively affect students. With an effect size of d=1.57 Collective Teacher Efficacy is strongly correlated with student achievement. Here is a quick overview of John Hattie’s “new

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Posted in Visible Learning

Arabic Translation of “Visible Learning for Teachers”


The Arabic Edition of John Hattie’s book “Visible Learning for Teachers” has been published in 2017. The Arabic title of the book is: التعلم المرئي للمعلمين. The transliteration of John Hattie’s name is: جون هاتي. You can order the book on Amazon or find it in a

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Posted in Books, Books in other languages, Visible Learning

Podcast with John Hattie about Visible Learning

Podcast with John Hattie

Teachers, educators, radio journalists and podcasters have asked John Hattie about Visible Learning. Listen to their podcasts and join the conversation. Ollie Lovell Interview with John Hattie defending the meta-analysis Source: VRAIN WAVES Interview with John Hattie The Wellylearning

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John Hattie: „ I could not care less about how you teach!“ – Video


John Hattie delivered an interesting keynote speech at this year’s researchED conference in Melbourne, Australia, about „The status of evidence in education“. ResearchED is a teacher-led organization with the aim „to raise the research literacy of educators.“ You can watch the

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Posted in Videos, Visible Learning

Video: Watch John Hattie’s Keynote On Collaborative Impact


Professor John Hattie gave a keynote presentation on “Collaborative Impact” in front of school leaders and principals at Cognition Education’s “Collaborative Impact: Research & Practice Conference 2017”. Watch the video to get some important updates on the Visible Learning story. Read on for

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Posted in Videos, Visible Learning

Video: John Hattie’s keynote at the Whole Education Annual Conference


In this video John Hattie makes a point that reading, writing, maths scores are not a criteria of a good school. The excitement of learning and the process of learning are as critical as the outcomes. How do you make

Posted in Videos, Visible Learning

11 Questions to Professor John Hattie, asked by teachers and school leaders


Are you a teacher and surprised by some of the evidence found in the Visible Learning research? Wouldn’t it be great to discuss your questions directly with Professor Hattie? In 2016, Corwin, a partner of John Hattie’s professional development program Visible Learning Plus, has organized

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About Visible Learning
Visible Learning means an enhanced role for teachers as they become evaluators of their own teaching. Visible Teaching and Learning occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and help them become their own teachers.

Visible Learning plus is a professional development programme for teachers. It provides an in-depth review and change model for schools based on John Hattie's research. With a seminar and support series the Visible Learning plus team helps schools to find out about the impact they are having on student achievement.