TIME Magazine : Four Ways to Give Good Feedback

time_magazine_logo_visible-learning-feedback-hattieAnnie Murphy Paul is the author of Origins and Brilliant: The New Science of Smart and edits the weekly newsletter Brilliant Report. On the TIME magazine’s website she discusses four ideas of giving effective feedback, in relation to the feedback model of Hattie and Timperley (2007):

1. Supply information about what the learner is doing, rather than simply praise or criticism.
2. Take care in how you present feedback. 
3. Orient feedback around goals.
4. Use feedback to build metacognitive skills

Read Annie Murphy Paul’s tips for good feedback drawn from research in psychology and cognitive science: Four Ways to Give Good Feedback, by Annie Murphy Paul, TIME Ideas, March 18, 2013  http://ideas.time.com

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One comment on “TIME Magazine : Four Ways to Give Good Feedback
  1. Emery McKenney says:

    Feedback is something that teachers do every single day. In order for feedback to truly be beneficial for the student and their learning, feedback should be intentional with each student. It is important for the teacher to know what types of feedback work with which kids and be able to use the different types to help grow each student. I like how #3 says to ”orient feedback around goals” because goals can be class-wide or individual. Either way, it is targeted for the students.

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Visible Learning means an enhanced role for teachers as they become evaluators of their own teaching. Visible Teaching and Learning occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and help them become their own teachers.

Visible Learning plus is a professional development programme for teachers. It provides an in-depth review and change model for schools based on John Hattie's research. With a seminar and support series the Visible Learning plus team helps schools to find out about the impact they are having on student achievement. www.visiblelearningplus.com