Blog Archives

The Economist: John Hattie’s research and “Teaching the teachers”


The Economist, a liberal weekly newspaper, asked “How to make a good teacher” on the cover of its June 11th 2016 edition. An in-depth article about education reform cites John Hattie’s research and argues that good teachers are not born but can be trained.

Posted in News, Visible Learning

Hattie Ranking: Backup of 138 effects related to student achievement


The goal of this page is to keep track of our visualizations of the effect size list based on the Visible Learning research. John Hattie constantly updates his list. He has first published 138 effects in Hattie (2009) “Visible Learning”, then 150 effects in Hattie

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Posted in Infographic, Infographics, Visible Learning

Visible Learning for Literacy – New Book by Hattie, Fisher, Frey


Visible Learning for Literacy is the newest book in John Hattie’s Visible Learning series. The authors John Hattie, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey focus on literacy in grades K-12. They explore how to implement the practices that work best to accelerate student learning. If you

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Posted in Books, Books in English, Visible Learning

Visible Learning World Conference – Day 2

Welcome to the second day of the Visible Learning World Conference in London. We’ll keep you updated with live impressions from the conference. For real-time updates make sure to follow the #VLWorld2016 hashtag on Twitter. Conference organizers Osiris Educational Panel discussion with Andy

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Posted in Visible Learning

Visible Learning World Conference – Day 1


The Visible Learning World Conference 2016 took place in (surprisingly sunny) London. Here are some live impressions from the conference. For more updates and pictures make sure to check out the #VLWorld2016 hashtag on Twitter.   John Hattie   James

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Posted in Visible Learning

Visible Learning Chinese Edition

Recently, John Hattie’s two books Visible Learning and Visible Learning for Teachers have been translated into Chinese. PENG Zhengmei and DENG Li have prepared the Chinese Edition of Visible Learning. JIN Yinglian, HONG Chao and PEI Xinning have translated Visible Learning for Teachers into Chinese. You

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Posted in Books, Books in other languages, Visible Learning

Visible Learning World Conference – London 2016


“Improving Schools through Visible Learning: Research, Practice and Impact”. That’s the motto of the 2016 Visible Learning World Conference. The event in London is organized by Osiris Educational, a UK-based training provider for teachers. According to Osiris, the VL World Conference will

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Posted in Visible Learning

8 Simple Tasks: What works best in Education. Free Download!

John Hattie’s new policy paper is a double issue about distractions and solutions. We blogged about the first book What Doesn’t Work in Education in an earlier post. Here are some quick take-aways from Hattie’s second book What Works Best

Posted in Books, Books in English, Visible Learning

Download John Hattie’s new study The Politics of Distraction – It’s free!


John Hattie’s new study is called What Doesn’t Work in Education: The Politics of Distraction. You can download, read and share the book for free (PDF)! It is part of Open Ideas at Pearson and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution

Posted in Books, Books in English, Videos, Visible Learning

Feedback for Learning – Infographic


“Most of the feedback that students receive about their classroom work is from other students – and much of that feedback is wrong.” (John Hattie) The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) is an international non-profit organization for teachers

Posted in Feedback, Infographic, Infographics, Visible Learning

Edkimo Online-feedback. Try it now, it's free!

About Visible Learning
Visible Learning means an enhanced role for teachers as they become evaluators of their own teaching. Visible Teaching and Learning occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and help them become their own teachers.

Visible Learning plus is a professional development programme for teachers. It provides an in-depth review and change model for schools based on John Hattie's research. With a seminar and support series the Visible Learning plus team helps schools to find out about the impact they are having on student achievement.